What's everyone else seeing on Corona tests?

I’ve got a niece and her friend rooming together in N.C., her friends boyfriend tested positive for covid. They both decided to go get tested and after a 2.5 hour wait they left. Two days later they both received a call saying they tested positive. Friend of family Nurse working in Organgeburg with two other nurses doing testing. Three sent in untested swabs. All three came back positive, they came clean with supervisor and told what they did. Supervisor did same thing… Same result… false positive. More friends of family working here in Walterboro. Swabs sent out knowingly not positive… Coming back positive?!

If we have just this small section right here, how are the tests from Maine to California coming back? I really think this whole mess is getting too much over inflation. We had a huge spike right after the looters and rioters, and I can understand that surge, but All the false Positive tests coming back?

So now we hear this thing is closely related to the Sars outbreak out of china a few years ago, then we also see that Corona virus has been around quite some time in different forms ranging all the way down to a simple cold. Are these test looking for such simple viruses along with Covid-19 or is it more of a sinister plot to destroy American’s economy and pump up the free ice cream crowd? Just like Epstein’s Murder and Bill going to his island. We know it to be true, but will never have proof of it. IMO.






Sadly, we all rely on the government and the media to tell us what is happening here and around the world and it feels like you really cannot trust either one at this point. The media has and agenda and has for nearly 4 years now, wink, wink and the government, who the heck knows what they are doing.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Rest assured, if Joe gets elected, the virus disappears almost overnight.

I believe pretty much all the people I encounter feel this same way. Let’s get our kids back in school and move forward now.


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Been seeing a lot of fear porn


Taking that extra covid death money and running… Who cares if it further creates panic.

Howdy everyone. Long time no read. Hope y’all are doing OK in these crazy times.

I don’t get why anyone still listens to the government or the media. This coronavirus has magnified the worthlessness of both. There’s that line about “being informed”, but I’d rather be uninformed than misinformed. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it’s called television programming. As far as politics, Democrats are evil and Republicans are bumbling idiots.

One of my friends was going on about BLM. I asked him if he had been involved in any riots, looting, etc. or personally witnessed any. He said that he hadn’t. Neither have I. But there is a difference. He was all worked up over it because he turns on a box in his house and consumes whatever comes out of it. Gotta be informed, you see. So BLM is a part of his life because he invites them into his life. I on the other hand avoid “the news” as much as possible, and don’t believe the media or the government. Therefore BLM isn’t even on my radar so I’m not upset about it. They aren’t invited into my life or home. You have a choice whether to invite them in or not. FWIW, BLM probably isn’t all that bad. Just the small percentage of bad apples that come out of that box that has an on-off switch.

p.s. How long was the site down? Today is the first time in quite a while that I’ve tried to access the forum.

Of course it's my opinion. Whose opinion were you expecting?

Hey, SFL, glad you’re doing well.

Your friend kinda reminds me of myself to some degree. I only watch FOX and at times have to turn it off due to just pissing me off with what the Dems are trying and have done to do to this country.

BLM, not that bad??? You are out of touch, sir. Don’t ignore and think it will just go away. It/they will be on your doorstep sooner than you think.

As you said, Dems are evil. They need to be dealt with tho. At the voti

I’ve made a pact with myself that I would never post after a drink…:face_with_head_bandage: BLM… Not that bad?!.. The whole organization is for Communism. It’s nothing to do with Black folk and everything to do with White racist power and control over the Black vote using the Black Americans. Trump is not so bad, I’ll guarantee you he is not as racist as Biden. … Lets watch the coach roaches run while you rub down my leg hairs… Many don’t like Trump, but Biden? How could any man or woman stand by him?.. I guess the hate for Trump is so strong they would rather see America destroyed and cast that vote for Biden to accomplish it.

“FWIW, BLM probably isn’t all that bad. Just the small percentage of bad apples that come out of that box that has an on-off switch.”

You, like so many others need to educate yourself on what BLM REALLY stands for. Go to their website and READ what they post. They are a Marxist organization that wants NO law enforcement and NO prisons. The want to decentralize the idea of family. I stood at an event for 4 hours and listened to them spew horrible, profanity laden filth and talk about killing all the cops with axes and swords. “Isn’t all that bad”. Jesus, people really need to pull their heads out of their rectums and see what is going on in our country. All of the companies that have jumped on the BLM bandwagon have done so out of fear. Fear that THEY will be labeled racist if they do not support BLM. I will not support any organization/company that supports BLM, because they want all cops dead and to recreate this country into what they want. I am by no means comparing them to Hitler or any other dictator but, it was people just standing by, failing to see the truth that enabled such events to occur.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

Yep. I couldn’t have said it better.

I am fragile. Not like a flower. But like a bomb.


C/p I am willing to bet that the countries that have shut down completely will see rates spike when they open up. If that is the case, then there won’t have been any point in shutting down in the first place, because all those countries are going to end up with the same number of dead at the end of the day anyway. Shutting down completely in order to decrease the total number of deaths only makes sense if you are willing to stay shut down until a vaccine is available. That could take years. No country is willing to wait that long.

had enough of Fauci fear porn yet?


C/p There is no evidence anywhere in the world that lockdowns or masks have stopped the spread of the virus.

Yep you read that right


Fauci, Birx and gang are frauds acting on behalf of Trump haters

If ya watch the TV, they show people going into rooms with hazmat suites on,what makes them Dr’s think a cloth or surgical mask is gonna help.

Double D.

I think many are wondering the same thing. Maybe so when this thing clears up they can all say… See told you so, masks cured Corona, now you have to do everything else we tell you to do. :question:

Had enough BS yet?


C/p What history will record as the great COVID coup of 2020 is based on lies and fear manufactured by America’s ruling class—led by the Democratic Party and aided by the complaisance of most Republican politicians.

if you believe this not to be true, please tell us what part isn’t


I was babbling over a few drinks last night with a group of friends and some out of state visitors. Funny how so many share the same thoughts but you never see those in polls or the news. This Corona crap isn’t much different than how the media and many government members push the fake Global climate crisis.

After a trip to the Keys and seeing all the boats with Trump flags and hearing so much support for him (other than in the media, of course), I’m still hopeful Trump will win again. That is if the left doesn’t come up with another coup like this corona b.s. Thank God for the electoral college, could you imagine Chicago, New York, New Jersey and the like controlling our Country? Gonna be interesting to see what Harris and biden tell America. One thing for sure most will be twists, cherry picked quips, and lies.


George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [http://www.militaryappreciationday.org

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown