Cracker and Easy

Anybody else besides me still miss Cracker Larry and Easy??? Sure do miss chatting with them… May they forever RIP…

George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown

Hey Gail, long time no see, hope all is well! Still have Larry’s number stored in my phone and anytime I see or hear about a Mayweather fight I cant help but to think about winning Easy’s money haha. Some good dudes with a ton of knowledge and were great contributors to the forum. They definitely brightened up the joint… Rest in peace fellas!

Fishing Nerd

“No bar, no pinball machines, no bowling alleys, just pool… nothing else.”

…well, some fishing too!

Wow, what a coincidence, my wife and I were talking about both of those guys last week driving back home from Charleston. Both of them were pretty cool old guys with a wealth of living and experiences. Actually went down to Larry’s house one time and saw some of the boats he had built. What a craftsman. My wife will never forget Norm sending Bonzo money to buy my wife wine for the oyster roast because he couldn’t make it down.

Those two are truly missed.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?

they both died, right?

Saddly, Yes. Had a few phone calls with Easy, but never met him in person. I did get to meet Cracker and eat some smoked salmon he bought from Sellsfish. He was certainly a well traveled Man. He helped me with a bad handling skiff, basically I just had too much weight in the rear with the added poling platform. He also showed me a couple of very productive drops/spots in the Broadriver and Chechessee rivers.

Good to hear from you George, hope all is well with you and the Family.

Stump I’ve been kinda laid back this past year since losing my wife and also having those 4 strokes , got to thinking about cracker when a friend started talking about fishing the Broad , Cracker put me on some of his honey holes there that their locations will forever remain a secret with me… Larry , Easy , and I will forever remain brothers with a common bond , May they forever RIP…

George McDonald US Navy Seabees,Retired, MAD, Charleston Chapter [

When you see “Old Glory” waving in the breeze, know that it is the dying breaths of our fallen hero’s that makes it wave.
author unknown


Bringing up an old post… How about gail wins… George, anyone heard from him lately?