Charleston Fishing Sponsors

Butler Marine

Your South Carolina Boat Dealer

Haddrell's Point

Charleston's Original Tackle Supply and Repair Shop

Boat US

Making Boating Better for America's Recreational Boaters

Fishing Reports by Local Anglers

Wed Mar 19 2025

Snaggle toof stuff from near and far

First, the far. Last Fall I booked a trout fishing trip with Capt. Josh Sutton (@pamlico_point) who fishes the Pamlico River in NC. He’s a relatively new guide but already has a reputation for putting clients on big gi…
Sun Mar 16 2025

Youngen Style welfare update....salt not today

If anybody has lost a son that can’t keep up with his GF everytime they go fishing, he’ll be at the front service desk waiting for pick up!!! Youngen Style doing the d@mn thang c’mon :sunglasses: https:/…
Thu Mar 13 2025

Wednesday/Thursday Fishing BP

Early morning with a few hours before high tide and the bite was slow but they quality was adequate. Breezy Wednesday but comfortable. Thursday had a great sunrise, and I started with a topwater lure, and a striper put m…
Sun Mar 09 2025

What in the Wide Wide World of Sport?

Back to the south looking for warmer water. Warm water was not found. Water was cold inshore - 53 degrees - and did not get above 60 until over 100 feet. Even at 200 feet it was only 68ish. Spring is not really here …
Fri Feb 28 2025

The Deli, But Not For Lunch

Second time out, shakedown trip two, with issues corrected and boat working great. February 26. Seas almost flat. Water temps pretty cold. In the low fifties to about 65 feet then slowly rising. Water temps 68ish…
Fri Feb 28 2025

Was Tough Today

But managed to get 2 to the boat. Not only was finding bait super tough, when we found em it was mostly jellyfish… yuck :laughing: the fishing wasnt any better, the funky up n down wster temps had the bite so weird it wa…


Today's Tides

5:10 AM
5.3 ft
11:31 AM
0.4 ft
5:22 PM
4.8 ft
11:40 PM
0.1 ft

Wednesday's Tides

6:07 AM
5.6 ft
12:22 PM
-0.0 ft
6:19 PM
5.3 ft

Charleston Fishing Discussions


How do you catch mullet in late march? How do tides, temperature, and weather affect them? Also, do mullet go into ponds this time of year? If so, how do tides and tempature affect them?


Thu Mar 20 2025

I’ll still a noob here, so always looking to get educated. There’s an algae-looking growth on top of the pluff mud. Halfway thru the outgoing, I see some tailing and chunks of the algae floating up. It’s at the end of …


Crappie are coming in shallow. Can’t decide which is the prettiest? I love catching both!


Let’s start with Austin, keepin’ it weird here boss… This is some stuff from today, around the capital building and grounds. They call this “The Great Walk”. It’s just a loop around the grounds with art and history st…


it’s leaking oil from bottom of unit. is it easy to replace these seals? the hardest part is probably removing the dang wheel. I’ve never tried this but am thinking about it. one shop said $400ish if just the seals, and …


I got tired of trying to monitor Steve’s Lures to buy Paul Browns so I decided to make my own. It’s taken me about 4 weeks and it’s not perfect but I finally have a process that is consistently producing. I’ll post more…

Fishing Weather for Charleston, SC

67 °F

70° | 55°


Wave Direction

SSE (159°)

Wave Height

1 ft

Wave Period

5 s

Wind Speed

9 kts (SE)